Dental Report for 6-23-2030 |
Doctor: John Smith
| Skull Type: Mesocephalic | Gingivitis: 3/4
| Occlusion: Brachygnathic, Anterior Crossbite | Plaque: 1/4
| Hyperplasia: X | Calculus: 2/4
#101: Furcation Exposure, Extracted, Whaddup |
#102: Periodontal Pockets (3 mm), Recession/Root Exposure (2 mm), Furcation Exposure (2/4), Retained Deciduous, Crowding, Fractured, Fygfguyb |
#103: Retained Deciduous, Missing, Amalgam |
#104: Periodontal Pockets, Furcation Exposure (2/4), Retained Deciduous, Missing, Retained Root, Caries, Radiographic Findings (Root lucency ), Bill Jr. is biting too many gold coins and has fractured this tooth. |
#107: Periodontal Pockets, Retained Deciduous |
#109: Periodontal Pockets (4 mm), Routine Extraction, ttt |
#409: Periodontal Pockets |
| | | | #201: This tooth has gone into a recession, let's hope the economy doesn't follow. |
#203: Periodontal Pockets (2 mm), Fractured, Scaling, Polishing, Sectioning, Gingival Biopsy, Vital Pulpotomy, Amalgam, Composite, Incline Plane |
#204: Incline Plane, what a hot mess! |
#206: Furcation Exposure, Who took it?? |
#207: Periodontal Pockets (3 mm), Recession/Root Exposure (3 mm), Mobility (1/4), asdf |
#310: Scaling, Fluoride Treatment |
#309: Retained Deciduous, Fractured |
#308: Radiographic Findings (dfdf) |
#306: Periodontal Pockets (2 mm) |
#303: Periodontal Pockets, Furcation Exposure, Missing, yikes |
#301: Is this tooth really big enough to be considered a tooth? #pluto |
Your Animal Hospital - Dental Discharge Instructions
Date: 6-23-2030 Client: Zilkha Patient: Buddy the best asshole in the world! Client #: 1234
| | Dental Disease | Mild | | Summary | Today Buddy the best asshole in the world! got an ultrasonic cleaning followed by low-speed enamel polishing and fluoride treatment. | Buddy the best asshole in the world! did well under anesthesia and recovered well after the procedure. | His teeth and gums are much healthier after the dental cleaning. | | Home Care Instructions | IF BUDDY THE BEST ASSHOLE IN THE WORLD! HAS A PRESSURE BANDAGE ON HIS LEG, PLEASE REMOVE IT 20 MINUTES AFTER PICK UP. (Bandage may have already been removed.) | It is not unusual for a pet to have nausea and/or coughing for 24-48 hours after an anesthetic procedure. | When offering food tonight, start Buddy the best asshole in the world! off with about a 1/4 of his normal amount. If he keeps this down, offer that
amount every 20-30 minutes to work up to his full meal. | It is very important to provide home dental healthcare to maintain oral health as good oral hygiene can actually add to your pet's life expectancy. | | We recommend beginning one of the following | Brushing (with toothbrush or finger brush) and an enzymatic toothpaste every 1-3 days. | Oral rinsing with chlorhexidine solutions (C.E.T. Rinse). (This is acceptable but not as effective as brushing.) | Adding C.E.T Aquadent solution to Buddy the best asshole in the world!'s drinking water daily can help prevent plaque accumulation when used in conjunction with a regular home dental care program as well. | You may also offer enzymatic chews daily, such as the C.E.T. chews we carry here, but we do not recommend more than one a day as these can add significant calories to your pets diet. | | Please call us at with any concerns or questions you may have during Buddy the best asshole in the world!'s recovery. | | By signing below, I agree that I fully understand these instructions and have received a copy for my records:
| |